骨骼健康 Bone Health

骨質疏鬆症是一種低骨質量和骨結柿的情況,導致骨骼變得脆弱。 這種疾病的病因與生活方式的選擇密切相關,例如鈣攝入量不足和缺乏運動會增加骨質疏鬆症的風險。 骨質疏鬆症可能是一個危及生命的問題,因為它能導致永久性疼痛, 和大大增加跌倒和骨折的發生。建議所有65歲以上的婦女或有骨質丟失或骨折風險的婦女進行骨密度試驗 (DEXA)。試驗結果有助於醫生找到適當的治療方法, 以減少骨質流失和預防骨折。和你的醫生談談你患骨質疏鬆症的測試和風險


Osteoporosis is a condition of low bone mass and loss of bone architecture which leads to fragile and weak bones. The cause of this disease is closely related to lifestyle choices, such as inadequate calcium consumption and inactivity can increase of risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis could be life-threatening.  Bone Density Test (DEXA) is recommended to all women over 65 years old or women at risk for having bone loss or fractures. The results of the test help doctor find an appropriate treatment to reduce bone loss and prevent fractures. Talk to your doctor about the test and your risks of having osteoporosis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, irreversible joint disease affecting areas such as knees, hips, lower back, neck, and fingers. The cartilage between joints breaks down which causes inflammation and pain as bones rub against each other over time, OA can increase the risk of bone breakdown, and fragments of chipped bone may create further damage.

健康資源 Resources

視頻 Videos

郭維達醫生的骨質疏鬆健康講座 (廣東話)
Osteoporosis Health Talk by Victor Kwok, M.D. (Cantonese)

What is Osteoporosis?

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Treatment of Osteoporosis

Questions About Osteoporosis

Other Videos 其他視頻

陳慧琳醫生的骨關節炎健康講座 (廣東話)
Osteoarthritis Health Talk by Vivian Wai-Lam Chan, M.D. (Cantonese)

骨質疏鬆運動 (中英文字幕)
Exercises for Osteoporosis (English & Chinese subtitles)